welcome-- that's my personality blog .consist of story not information but may be every story you can get learn something :)) and every you feel sad come on invite my blog you can laugh .

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

au ah males

iseng gak ngapa2 in mending ngeblogie aja deh .hem bt,sepi,feel alone itu yg gue rasain .. single tuh gak enak juga ternyata well sekarang nulis-nulis gajelas gini ah males nulis yg berhubungan sama ngeluh males mikirnya pokoknya,mau nulis kejadian yg lucu juga lagi ga mood .lagi2 alesan gue males ..uda ah gue jadi bingung mau ngmng apa,soalnya lagi gak mood ntar mlm g online juga deh males,aneh nih males tanpa alesan au ah bodo amat lagi beteeeee :((((((((

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

curahan hati

you know what ,i feel sad when i feel alone in the world (over)maybe now nobody know and understand me.perhaps i can story with other friend but i think nobody understand .they are busy with their activity .. oke,i will learn to save my problem in my mind and my heart .nobody help to solving my problem .maybe nobody not care with me .